Latest News and Events

Come join us for the Color Run in Lausanne, September 25th
We are ON for the Color Run! Join us Sunday Sept 25th, Place Bellerive from 10am to 4pm and experience running on clouds :)
The Happiest 5k on The Planet :-

New J.Lindeberg and Serengeti Collections Available
New Collections:
At Swiss Sport Style we put so much importance to provide as much choice and quality in premium sport/lifestyle brands as possible.
With this in mind we are delighted to announce the arrival of J Lindeberg Golf and Athleisure. This Swedish brand has developed itself from fashion to sport and showcases elegant style, technical sportswear and a stunning collection for both men and women golfers.
Shop the new collection J.Lindeberg Collection Online
Serengeti Eyewear:
The pioneer of Photochromic technology, Serengeti® is the industry leader in creating lenses that adapt to an array of environments. Activated by UV light, Serengeti lenses react to UV light by gradually adjusting to the changing light so that your eyes stay relaxed. These photochromic lenses come polarised, darken in bright sunlight and lighten in overcast conditions meaning that you also see objects more clearly.
Swiss Sport Style offer you the chance to borrow our take-out collection for a day and see for yourself the difference Serengeti’s will make to your eyes.
Shop the new collection Serengeti Collection Online

On Running Event
Come test the new On running shoes on May 11th starting at 6:30pm. Meeting is in front of the store Swiss Sport Style - Rue Etraz 2, Lausanne
Sign-up on Facebook:

We're ON!
Swiss Sport Style is delighted to announce the arrival of ON. The Swiss running shoe brand taking the athletic footwear market by storm.